Benefits of a Whole-Home Surge Protector
What benefits will a homeowner see with surge protector installation in Sterling, VA? Before spending this money, a homeowner needs this information to ensure this choice is right for them. The following serve as only a few of the many benefits seen with this investment.
Visit any modern home and you will probably see several electronic gadgets and devices in plain view. Home appliances feature circuit boards that a power surge may damage. Even modern LED bulbs come with circuit boards that a power surge could damage or destroy.
Power surges rarely last more than a few seconds and may come from an appliance within the home. While these small surges don’t destroy a device or appliance, they can affect the item’s performance while shortening its lifespan.
What homeowners might not realize is that a transient surge from a home appliance affects more than the circuit the appliance is on. This surge transfers back to the breaker panel. The whole-home surge protector ensures other electrical equipment doesn’t sustain damage when there is a surge from an appliance within the home. Every outlet in the house receives protection with this device.
Speak with a licensed electrician to learn which whole-house surge protector is right for your home. They can determine what level of protection the homeowner needs based on the items found in the specific home.
When discussing the options, learn about any warranty that comes with the device, as you need to ensure the company will back its product and pay the homeowner if the device doesn’t do its job.