Rewiring Services
A crucial component of home safety is keeping electrical wiring in good shape. There are thousands of electrical fires every year in Virginia, but the numbers can be reduced with regular electrical inspections. If you’re dealing with one or more of the following trouble signs, consider scheduling a wiring evaluation, and be sure to ask us about our rewiring services.
- Tripped breakers and blown fuses. A breaker’s function is to turn the power off when things go wrong. When breakers trip or fuses constantly blow, there’s a short, fault, or overload somewhere in the system.
- Flickering or dimming lights. This problem indicates a circuit overload, but it can also be caused by aging wiring.
Hot or discolored cords, outlets, and switches. When these parts are hot to touch, it means the wiring needs replacement immediately.
- Light bulbs that burn out constantly. When this happens, it indicates that the wiring carries more voltage than the bulb needs.
- Strange noises. If there’s a humming or buzzing sound coming from the walls or an appliance, there may be a loose, improperly grounded, or overloaded wire. Turn the power off and call us right away.
- Burning odors. If there’s a burning smell with no apparent source, faulty electrical wiring is the most likely culprit. Turn off the breaker and call one of our electricians immediately to reduce the risk of an electrical fire.
- A loose outlet. If one or more of the home’s electrical outlets have come loose, it’s a sign that they are connected to boxes that are installed incorrectly. When this happens, wiring easily becomes disconnected, broken, and damaged.
Shocks when cords are plugged in or touched. Power cords, when damaged or unstable, can be pretty dangerous. With time, cracks and burn marks on appliances and outlets may appear and cause shocks, and those shocks can seriously harm family members. Minimize the risk of shock, property damage, and injury by having the home rewired by one of our professional electricians.
If you’ve been living in your Herndon home for over five years, or if you aren’t sure when the electrical system was last inspected, contact the team at Absolute Electric LLC for electrical wiring inspection and replacement services. We can determine if rewiring is the right solution with a thorough evaluation. The safety of your home and family are our top priorities. Contact us now to learn about our rewiring services or to schedule a detailed electrical inspection.